Aladdin Systems, Inc. and Raymond Lau thank you for evaluating the new StuffIt InstallerMaker! StuffIt InstallerMaker is a simple, graphically-oriented system that allows developers and product managers to quickly and easily create powerful, easy-to-use custom installers for their products.
You can pick from a number of pre-defined destinations for each file to be installed. You can also determine which files will be installed based on the characteristics of the destination Macintosh. As you would expect, InstallerMaker allows you to compress all the files being installed to reduce the number of distribution disks, and to combine all the files being installed into one “package,” so that it can be easily distributed. With InstallerMaker, compression was designed as an integral part from the beginning, not as an afterthought as in other installation products.
InstallerMaker makes it easy to customize your product installer by adding custom startup splash screens and text windows. You can also customize installer operation by writing installer extensions: your own custom code that can be called during the installer’s startup, installation, and shutdown phases. On the other hand, we designed the InstallerMaker so that most developers will be able to use it to create powerful, flexible product installers, without ever having to write any custom code at all.
Summary of Features and Benefits for the Developer
• Users can now double-click on packages in the custom install dialog to install that package. This gives an interface consistant with "other" installers.
• Users now have the option to save startup text to a TeachText file.
• Product Installers will point the "Install software into folder:" dialog toward the startup drive if run from a server volume. This makes server installers possible, and allow network admins to create consistant installers for all clients.
InstallerMaker Application
• IM now links aliases with files that it installs. (Uses name/type/creator to resolve.)
This allows you to install aliases of your product to the desktop, and let the user specify the destination of the application to be somewhere else.
• IM now remembers the segment size with each build image.
You no longer have to set the segment size with each build. If you are building only 800K floppy sizes, InstallerMaker will remember from build to build.
• Added a new "Replace" option when stuffing duplicate items.
When you Stuff a file or folder and a file or folder with that name already exists, you are now given the opportunity to have StuffIt Lite either replace the old file or folder with the new one, or stuff a copy of the incoming file.
• When copying/pasting installer archive items from a nested folder to the root level of the archive, we now inherit the attributes such as destination, conditions, etc. from the uppermost parent of the copied item. No more having to reset all the flags!
If you are interested in licensing the StuffIt InstallerMaker™, please call us at Aladdin Systems at (408) 761-6200 and ask for the Licensing department.